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Glancer Magazine

UNIQUE IN SUBURBIA | Woman-Owned and Veteran-Owned Kettlebell Gym In St. Charles Encourages Women

by Brianna Bartemeyer


A little rebellion now and then is a good thing.

–Thomas Jefferson

ST. CHARLES–Why are New Years’ resolutions all the rage? Lose weight. Eat healthier. Start dating. Change jobs. Invest in a hobby. Save money. Travel. Truth be told, goals can be established at any time during the year. Yet, every year, we excite ourselves with the possibility of a ‘fresh start’ … in all fairness, a new calendar year naturally encourages a mindset of hopefulness, possibility and new beginnings. For those interested in a unique workout experience this year, let us introduce you to … Rebellion!

Rebellion is a woman (and veteran!) owned kettlebell gym in St. Charles. It encourages its members to rebel against the misinformation surrounding weight loss, weights, age and building muscle. Many of us have been told that women who lift will ‘bulk up’, ‘no pain, go gain’, calorie restriction is the best way to lose weight … and the list-of-myths goes on. Rebellion debunks these myths. Exercise is a gift - it’s an opportunity to destress, have fun, tighten/tone and strengthen our bodies … regardless of age!

Kettlebells may very well be the overlooked member of the free-weight family … but, that’s changing! The secret is out, as these small-but-mighty weights are quickly becoming the best fitness tool for total-body conditioning. Kettlebells are great for: developing strength, cardiovascular endurance, core stability and flexibility. Plus, they are versatile and fun!

Be.a.rebel … and find a workout style that works for you. Cheers to a happy and healthy New Year!

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