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SUBURBAN NEWS | Woodman’s Food Market Proposes Store in Plainfield 

Woodman’s Food Market Proposes Store in Plainfield 


PLAINFIELD–The Village of Plainfield's Economic Director has shared that Woodman’s Food Market has submitted plans to construct a 240,000 square foot store at the northeast corner of 119th Street and IL Route 59 in Plainfield. In addition to the food store, Woodman’s is proposing a fuel center that includes gas dispensers, a convenience store, car wash, and oil change center. The 36-acre site features seven outlots that are available for additional development. 

Woodman's Food Market was founded in 1918 and is an employee-owned company that currently owns and operates 19 locations in Wisconsin and Illinois. Woodman’s prides itself on providing consumers with a tremendously wide variety of grocery items at everyday low prices. Woodman’s estimates that the proposed store in Plainfield will create over 200 new jobs and 200+ temporary construction jobs.

Plainfield's Mayor Argoudelis comments, “We are happy that Woodman’s has selected Plainfield for their next store and we look forward to working with them. They will be a great addition to the community and our residents will benefit from having more grocery options. Bringing in a new quality retailer that responds to public demand, provides jobs, and produces tax revenue is part of the equation of making the best Plainfield.”  

Although the Village of Plainfield worked with Woodman’s immediately following the closure of the Wal-Mart, located at 127th Street and IL Route 59, to try and potentially redevelop that vacant storefront, combined efforts to secure that location were unsuccessful. The proposed location at 119th Street and IL Route 59 will allow Woodman’s to provide the residents of Plainfield with a better finished product than anything that was afforded to them by the former Wal-Mart location.

“Woodman’s has always been very deliberate in selecting locations for our new stores. This proposed location in Plainfield is consistent with our planned growth. We are confident that our proposed development will provide a long-term benefit to the residents of the Village of Plainfield and after nearly a decade of trying to secure the best location for our operations we look forward to and appreciate the opportunity to become a corporate citizen of the Village of Plainfield.” Clint Woodman, President, Woodman’s Food Market.

Woodman’s application will proceed through the Village approval process with consideration before the Plan Commission anticipated in February and Village Board consideration in the coming months. If approved by the Village, on and off-site improvements will commence in 2024 or 2025. 

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