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LITERARY LOCAL | Florence Ann Romano of Hinsdale

Introducing the Author of Build Your Village: A Guide to Finding Joy and Community in Every Stage of Life

HINSDALE–During the Covid-19 pandemic, Hinsdale resident and personal growth strategist Florence Ann Romano felt the loss of her support systems, like so many others did. Our communities were ripped away from us. Once it was time for the world to reconnect, she noticed people seemed to be having a very hard time doing so. “I wanted everyone to know that no matter what type of village they were born into, they had the power to choose their people for a support community,” says Florence Ann. “Everyone has heard the phrase ‘It takes a village,’ but how exactly do we find our village, and who is in it?”

In her most recent book, Build Your Village: A Guide to Finding Joy and Community in Every Stage of Life, Florence Ann answers these questions, helping you to build an effective personal community. From identifying the six types of villagers needed to complete a fully functional village to what to do when you have lost your community, this book serves as a step-by-step guide complete with quizzes, gut-check questions, and action steps to find meaningful connections.

A copy of Build Your Village can be found locally at the Bookstore of Glen Ellyn or Barnes and Noble Oakbrook. It is also available online at Amazon and all major retailers.

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