MAPLE PARK–You may know it for its super fun corn maze, pumpkins, and apples come Fall each year, but Kuiper's Farm is also now known for something else–sunflowers. Based on their belief of connecting people with Agriculture and each other, the popular Maple Park farm thought to bring another beautiful Ag product to their guests; fresh cut sunflowers and some fantastic photo opportunities!

Starting August 26, 2023 guests are invited to enjoy over 7 acres of 20+ different sunflower varieties and colorful zinnias in the fields. Come stroll through the flowers, take photos and enjoy the beautiful scenery of a late-summer farm day! Many adorable photo ops will be available so you can capture the perfect selfie or family photo. The experience goes ‘full bloom’ on weekends with live music and food trucks inside the gated festival area.
WEEKEND & LABOR DAY SUNFLOWER FIELD ADMISSION $11.99 Online / Includes 1 Bloom * $13.99 At the Gate / Includes 1 Bloom Children 2 Yrs & Under FREE
WEEKDAY SUNFLOWER FIELD ADMISSION $10.99 At the Gate Only/ Includes 1 Bloom Children 2 Yrs & Under FREE