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Glancer Magazine

CARING + SHARING | Adopt-a-Parent DuPage, Kane, Will Counties


Right now, Project HELP has over 140 families in DuPage, Kane and Will counties who are on the wait list for their parent mentorship and education services. The goal is to provide every family the opportunity to be mentored, receive community resources, and increase confidence in effectively parenting their children. Project Help would like your assistance in impacting 15 more parents in the next year. Would you consider adopting a parent today with a gift that will allow Project HELP to provide them with individualized support and interventions, positively impacting that parent, their children and the entire community?

Each Project HELP Social Worker: o Mentors 11 parents each year o Provides support to 4 volunteer parent mentors that each serve one parent = Impacts 15 parents in our communities! Please consider a monthly, tax-deductible gift of $100* to help prevent family problems from escalating, and to empower fragile families. Help is needed right now. To make your donation go even further $25,000 has been secured in matching gift donations from local companies and individuals. Each dollar donated will be matched! The hope is that you will help leverage this great opportunity and consider adopting a parent today through Project HELP.


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