DOWNERS GROVE/WOODRIDGE–They met in the high school hallways of Downers Grove North High School, but not as teenagers, as adults, when Nicole, who works in the Building and Grounds Department and as a cheer coach, asked her friend - “who’s that” - when Drew, the Business Teacher and baseball coach crossed her path.
“I then proceeded to say - he’s my future husband, he just doesn’t know it yet,” Nicole adds. “We didn’t talk for a few years but finally were officially introduced when he lost his keys and needed replacements - which my department was responsible for - and the rest is history!”
After dating for 3.5 years, the pair got engaged, and recently married on November 19, 2022 at the Burr Ridge Marriott. They went on a quick honeymoon in New Buffalo and will enjoy a second honeymoon in Turks & Caicos this summer.
Both come from very close knit families, so spend the majority of their free time with them.
“It’s nice working together since we both live such busy lives with opposite season coaching schedules, sometimes work is the only place we actually get to see each other,” Nicole shares. “It’s nice knowing if either of us need to talk about something, need an immediate answer, or God forbid an emergency situation, we are literally a hop, skip, and a jump away from each other.”
They both credit great communication as the key to a successful relationship, as well as wholly trusting the timing of life.