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Glancer Chicago West

LITERARY LOCAL | Warrenville Author R.G. Ziemer

R.G. ZIEMER | The Ghost of Jamie McVay

WARRENVILLE–October is the perfect time to share a spooky ghost story. Warrenville writer, R.G. Ziemer, can help with that with his new fiction book and classic ghost story, The Ghost of Jamie McVay. As a junior high language arts teacher, he felt there just weren’t enough fiction books for teen-aged boys and wanted to write a novel with a main character that appealed to both boys and girls.Ziemer’s main character, Brian Krueger, has had some hard times and moves to a new town where on a gravel jogging path, he encounters the ghost of Jamie McVay. He and his new friend, Sharon, set out to discover the secrets of the truth behind the ghost and his quest for redemption and are set on a path to try and prevent a catastrophe on Halloween night.While writing, Ziemer researched the history behind the interurban railroads like the Elgin, Aurora and Chicago line that once ran on what is now the Illinois Prairie Path. “My sons and I frequently rode our bikes on the Prairie Path,” says Ziemer. “The story developed from letting the imagination loose in that setting.”The Ghost of Jamie McVay can be found online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble as well as many local independent bookstores.

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