Ann Celine and Frank Walsh and their three boys, Cole (17), Pierce (14), and Declan (12) are all actively involved in their parish, St. Mary of Gostyn, and support and volunteer for many events, including adopt-a-family programs, coaching Downers Grove Panther Youth Football, and supporting local charities such as Noah’s Hope and Corey’s Goal.
Ann Celine also volunteers to assist the Hinsdale Central Mock Trial Team prepare for annual competitions, since that’s where she personally found her passion for law as a member of the high school team in 1987. She also shares her experience having also worked as an Assistant State's Attorney for the DuPage County State's Attorney's Office for over 15 years, prosecuting and trying hundreds of misdemeanors and felonies, including murder, sexual assault and domestic violence offenses.

In 2014, she was appointed to serve as an Associate Judge in the 18th Judicial Circuit Court, DuPage County and has presided in both criminal and civil courtrooms, including traffic court, domestic violence court, arbitration and DUI court. In February 2019, the Illinois Supreme Court unanimously appointed her as a Circuit Court Judge for 18th Judicial Circuit Court, and she will run in the 2020 election in order to hold her position as the Presiding Judge of the Misdemeanor and Traffic Division.
Somehow Ann Celine manages to balance work and family time with the help of her husband Frank, who works in general contracting management, to remain fully present in their boys’ active athletic lives of football, basketball, baseball – also enjoying family vacations to Cooperstown, NY for famed tournaments.
Family is extremely important to the Walsh’s and they relish traditions such as constructing a large backyard ice rink each winter and hosting an annual Turkey Bowl! They are also blessed to share their home with Ann Celine’s mom, Dorothy, who spreads wisdom and love throughout the house.-Kristen Kurcharski Top Photo by Mike Mantucca, Middle Photo Submitted