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Glancer Chicago West

MOM'S LITTLE BLACK BOOK | Bringing the Family Together With Goat Yoga

GOAT GIGGLES! My entire family was coming to town for our annual reunion, and I routinely have the honor of being in charge of games and activities. Our family ranges in age from newborn babies to relatives in their 80s, all of which are active and ready for the next adventure.

I came across Blue Sky Farm in Sugar Grove and quickly realized I had found our match. Sugar Grove resident and farm owner, Ellen Beaulieu is passionate about her goats, mini-horses, mini-donkey, and dogs. She is certified in Animal Assisted Activities and Therapy and shares the benefits of their love with the community.

As we exited our cars, we were greeted by joyful dogs with wagging tails that walked us to meet the goats. From my two-year old nephew to my 79 year old aunt, we were all smiles ear to ear as we approached the cute little baby goats. We were doubly blessed that just 24 hours earlier, a doe delivered, and we were able to meet day old kids as well. The toddler, tween, teens, and seniors were all vying for a chance to interact with the little ones, and Ellen’s right hand gal, Charlie, was right there to help us engage.

We started our adventure with Open Kid Kuddles, which is available to anyone, any age. We got the opportunity to intermingle with the goats and mini-horses in their home environment. Plenty of ahhhhs, oooohs, and awes ensued from this personal experience.

Next came, Goat Yoga, typically available to anyone eight years and older. We laid out our mats and began with poses that invited the goats to actively participate with us by climbing on our backs, sharing our mats, or lying under our legs. The giggles were harmonious with the calm of the barn.

This was the perfect all ages experience to unite the family in an all-inclusive activity.

Overview Blue Sky Farm creates a place to connect to animals, the earth and each other through Goat Yoga classes, cuddle time with the goats, private parties and special events tailored to all ages and all abilities, including toddlers, seniors, and special needs.

Blue Sky Farm Goat Yoga 8S890 Mighell Road Sugar Grove, IL 60554 (630) 774-9211

Hours: Check website for open Kid Kuddles and Goat Yoga times. You can also schedule ‘Goats to Go’ to your own personal event; Book Private Animal Interactions and Parties.

Price $: Starting at $15/person

ABOUT THE WRITER Naperville mom Kristen Kucharski graduated from Illinois State University in 1992 with an International Business Degree. She is married and has two energetic daughters and her house is always full of children. Kristen’s column titled, Mom's Little Black Book, is a monthly feature written for moms who are looking for ways to keep their kids busy.

For Hundreds of Mom’s Little Black Book Adventures for All Ages,Written by Kristen through the Years, Visit




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