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Glancer Chicago West

MOM'S LITTLE BLACK BOOK | Adventures In Scavenger Hunting

COMPETITIVE SCAVENGER HUNT When you can entertain middle school girls with a #MomsLittleBlackBook activity – you’ve got a real winner on your hands! I had so much fun with my niece and her two friends on our Adventure in Scavenger Hunting excursion! We sort of felt like we were on the Amazing Race television show as we competed against other teams in downtown Naperville to accomplish tasks, take photos, collect random items, and make it back to the destination before the designated time.

As we received the instructions of the game, we gained excitement. The competitive edge really brought out our spirit of the game. Next, we had to designate a team name, and after a few whispers and giggles, the girls identified us at #TeamFarcus. I’m fairly certain it may the last name of a middle school boy somewhere in Naperville but not exactly sure. Hopefully it’s not some kind of texting lingo that is a bad word!

We then received our special bag, list of tasks, made sure our phones were fully charged, and were off to the races.

Attention to detail is highly important and that doesn’t mean it requires adults to play, it simply means, read your task list carefully because this game can literally be played by anyone who can read, if you read it accurately.

I was thankful I wore my gym shoes because they wanted to run to ensure we were the first ones done. FYI – running is not required at all (and probably not even the norm) - but when you are super competitive, and on a team of middle school girls – you run!

We mapped out our course and efficiently completed our checklist. We made it back first with plenty of time to spare. As we emptied our bags and the coordinator tallied the points – we thought we secured the win until the last item was read and we realized we failed to read it fully – ahhhhhhhhh!

So much fun! We will definitely be back to try another customized hunt and win!

OVERVIEW Adventures in Scavenger Hunting creates custom scavenger hunts and brings them to wherever you may be, including towns like Geneva, Batavia, St. Charles, Aurora, Naperville, Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Hinsdale, and anywhere! Fun for all ages!

Adventures in Scavenger Hunting Geneva • (630) 222-4234

Hours: Plan a date/time/location that works for you

Price $: $279 for up to 16 participants

ABOUT THE WRITER Naperville mom Kristen Kucharski graduated from Illinois State University in 1992 with an International Business Degree. She is married and has two energetic daughters and her house is always full of children. Kristen’s column titled, Mom's Little Black Book, is a monthly feature written for moms who are looking for ways to keep their kids busy.

For Hundreds of Mom’s Little Black Book Adventures for All Ages,Written by Kristen through the Years, Visit




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