On March 8, 2018, the Rotary Club of Naperville will be recognizing students from College of DuPage who have earned scholarships through the Rotary club. This meeting will be held at Meson Sabika, in Naperville, at 12:15 pm.
Naperville Rotary Charities & the Rotary Club of Naperville assist students who are in need of financial aid to pursue education in vocational, technical and academic courses eventually leading to a 2- or 4-year degree, and is generously funded by the Naperville Rotary House of Dreams Charity Raffle.
Sherman Neal, Board President for the College of DuPage Foundation, stated, “This scholarship opens doors for our students that lead them to accomplish their personal and professional goals. We thank you for this incredible program that removes financial barriers for these outstanding students and helps them realize their fullest potential.”
Since 1941, the Rotary Club of Naperville has provided leadership through community service, both locally and globally. Through the inspired commitment of its members, Rotary provides college scholarships, funding for medical screenings, food pantries, homeless shelters, clean water, health and peace and conflict resolution initiatives worldwide, and the most important signature project of our generation, eradicating polio.
The Rotary Club of Naperville is the first of several Rotary Clubs in Naperville. Meetings are held most Thursdays at 12:15 p.m. at Meson Sabika. The Rotary Club of Naperville Sunrise, chartered in 1991, meets at 7:00 a.m. most Fridays at Naperville Country Club. The Rotary Club of Naperville Downtown, chartered in 2007, meets at 4:44 p.m. most Wednesdays at Hugo’s Frog Bar in the Pond Room in Main Street Promenade. The Rotary Club of Naperville After Dark meets every other Tuesday at 6:00 at Aurelio’s in Naperville. Rotary International includes over 35,000 clubs in more than 200 countries. Rotary has 1.2 million members worldwide.
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