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Glancer Chicago West

SAVORY & SWEET SISTERS | All Chocolate Kitchen Store In Geneva

Savory & Sweet Sisters, All Chocolate Kitchen, Glancer Magazine, Feb 18


Most people know of the famous All Chocolate Kitchen in Geneva, but do you know the love story behind the chocolate? This story has a sweet ending as most love stories do, but most don’t end with beautiful cru-quality Belgian and Swiss chocolate. This story starts over forty years ago at New York’s JFK airport. As Esther begins to share her story you can see the sparkle in her eyes as if she’s back in that moment. “It was love at first sight”, Esther tells us, “It really does exist” and “what happens next played out like a movie”.

Flying standby both Alain and Esther were bumped from the flight and spent that night in the airport talking. After spending what Esther says was the best week of her life together in London, she knew he was the one. Then came that moment, standing in a red phone booth in Piccadilly Square, Alain told her he took a job in New York and wanted her to go with him.

They were married after knowing each other for only a month and a half! Although their new apartment didn’t have any furniture yet, Chef Alain wanted to make Esther feel at home. He directed her to put her best dress on and he was going to cook! They sat on crates from a grocers and Esther found a poinsettia in a dumpster to add some holiday spirit. Their picture from that night is still her favorite one.

All Chocolate Kitchen is a collaboration of the couple’s love of sugar, pastries, chocolate, gelato, coffee and art. With quality ingredients Chef Roby brings his expertise to Geneva. Three time Guinness World Record Holder and world renowned Chef Roby’s sugar creations will leave you in awe. They are always adding new items to the menu both savory and sweet. Our favorites are the caramel sea salt banana cream pie, the chocolate truffles, the savory pizza, and the spinach and cheese croissant.

Eclectic, sophisticated Primo is a date night destination for Valentine’s Day. This intimate restaurant will wow you with a chocolate fountain that reaches the ceiling and food that is as creative and perfect as the décor. Primo also offers afternoon tea.

All Chocolate Kitchen 33 S. 3rd Street, Geneva (630) 232-2395 Husband & Wife Team: Chef Alain & Esther Roby


Stephanie (right) & Tiffany (left) Schmoker are west suburban sisters who have always shared a love for dining out and they also enjoy cooking together. They came from a family of 7 and grew up on farm with fresh fruits, veggies and more. Watch for their review of a different west suburban restaurant in each issue of Glancer Magazine. Invite them to your eatery at

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