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Glancer Chicago West

MOM'S LITTLE BLACK BOOK | Haunted Hometowns

AURORA October is my favorite month of the year! It’s my birthday month and my very most favorite thing to do each year is go to Haunted Houses! I absolutely love them and love that my girls and their friends love them too. We’ve tried Basement of the Dead, Fear Factory, Statesville, The Massacre, 13th Floor, the Asylum; plus a Haunted Corn Maze. This year we thought we would try a haunted trail or forest; as well as a walking ghost tour.

Asking teenagers to join their mom on a Saturday night adventure is not as easy as it used to be. I admit I had to mix in a little dinner bribery at BDubs; but, it worked - and like any kid – as soon as the EMF Ghost Meters were passed out, the teens began to explore the boundaries of their new toy!

We walked for two solid hours which quickly passed as our guide shared true local stories about footsteps and music playing in vacant restaurants; images in the windows of a once popular business; and noises of horses clomping down popular streets near 5th Avenue station.

I watched the teens become more engaged in the stories with each passing block. They thoroughly enjoyed playing with the diving rods while asking yes/no questions to the beings of beyond while waiting for the rods to move in response. At the same time, our EMF readers were lighting and beeping indicating there was a possible presence nearby as we sat in front of one of the most talked about haunted houses in Naperville. We watched our flashlights dim and brighten again as we sat near the porch, while the story was told of those who had lived inside.

Whether you believe in ghosts or not, the tour was totally fun for the teenagers – which pretty much means anyone would enjoy it! It was also really interesting learning about many historic haunted happenings right here in our hometown.

Overview Two hour outdoor walking ghost tour among the turn-of-the-century mansions in the Historic District of beautiful (and haunted) Naperville; or most historically haunted places in the City of Cemeteries….Aurora! You are the ghost hunter led by an avid guide sharing ghastly tales.

Haunted Hometowns Corporation Aurora • (630) 978-7033

Hours: 8 p.m. Tours Most Friday and Saturday Nights; Open March thru mid-November.

Price $: Adults $20/each; Children 8-13 years old $15/each; Check Groupon

ABOUT THE WRITER Naperville mom Kristen Kucharski graduated from Illinois State University in 1992 with an International Business Degree. She is married and has two energetic daughters and her house is always full of children. Kristen’s column titled, Mom's Little Black Book, is a monthly feature written for moms who are looking for ways to keep their kids busy.

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