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Glancer Chicago West

MOM'S LITTLE BLACK BOOK | Seadog Cruises Chicago

MOTHERHOOD WITH TEENS I am blessed that over the years of writing Mom’s Little Black Book, my girls and their friends have always enjoyed participating in all the adventures.

Growing into their teenage years, I worried about finding activities that would be equally as entertaining; since I had heard many stories about hormonal teenagers wanting nothing to do with mom – especially, God forbid, in public!

My daughter, Marissa, had put Dick’s Last Resort in Chicago on our To-Do List last summer and I reluctantly agreed on the premise that we make it a day in Chicago and find something else fun to do. I Googled, “Fun Things to Do with Teenagers in Chicago” and found Seadog Extreme Thrill Ride. Eureka! Anything including the term, “Thrill Ride” should do the trick; and so the planning began....

Since doing anything with just dear old mom would be repulsive, the girls gathered a group of friends and I hijacked another unsuspecting mother to join us. We took the train to the city; hopped on the Shoreline Water Taxi; enjoyed an awesome journey down the Chicago River; disembarked on Navy Pier to climb aboard the big, giant, red Seadog Extreme Thrill Ride!

Thanks to pre-planning, we came prepared with a change of clothes, flip flops for the ride, and Ziploc bags to protect our precious phones! Do not leave home without a change of clothes and plastic bags. Read that twice!

The Seadog Extreme Thrill Ride lived up to its name and instantly turned a group of hormonal teenagers into laughing, giggling, screaming, clapping, singing human beings; as we chose to sit in the back of the boat to take in the full experience of getting completely drenched. With music blaring, there were moments we were going so fast; I think we were actually airborne!

The day ended with dinner at the completely inappropriate Dick’s Last Resort where the girls enjoyed being totally insulted wearing paper hats depicting their future life! Motherhood with teens brings a whole new meaning to Mother’s Day this year!

Overview Seadog Cruises offers the River & Lake Architectural Tour, Lakefront Speedboat Ride, Extreme Thrill Ride, Fireworks Cruises, Holiday and Specialty Cruises, all departing from Navy Pier in Chicago

Seadog Cruises Chicago 600 E. Grand Avenue, Chicago (888) 345-3880

Hours: March/April-October (weather permitting); multiple daily departures.

Price$: $19.95-38.95 depending on tour. Check Groupon for deals.

ABOUT THE WRITER Naperville mom Kristen Kucharski graduated from Illinois State University in 1992 with an International Business Degree. She is married and has two energetic daughters and her house is always full of children. Kristen’s column titled, Mom's Little Black Book, is a monthly feature written for moms who are looking for ways to keep their kids busy.

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