Kid at Heart Does anybody need a nanny for the summer? I’ve pretty much raised two children already…not to mention, I have THE two words every mom looking for a nanny wants to hear – no, not “unconditional love” or “caring patience” - reliable transportation. I also really love making pb&j’s. My teenagers don’t really need the crusts cut off anymore, but I’ve still got mad crust-cutting skills. I also enjoy turning cartwheels, the smell of Play-doh, and playing Go Fish! Exploring new career opportunities? Perhaps. But more, just exploring new ideas for summer…thinking outside the box and would love to try something new, or new again…being a kid at heart sounds fun, doesn’t it? I just got done writing the waterpark feature for this month’s 7 Spectacular and it got me thinking about how much fun it would be to work at one of them. All that water, all that sun, all those hot dogs and ice cream cones! Raging Waves is not too far from my house, I wonder if they are hiring. Personally, I think Hasselhoff, Pam Anderson, and I would get along swimmingly and the “uniform” is red – my FAVORITE color! When I was a kid we went camping for fun. Hmmmmmm….camping. Maybe I should become a Girl Scout leader – I’d likely be the only “no daughter, no niece, no neighbor-kid-whose-mom-has-to-work-so-I’m-filling-in” type of mom, but who cares. There’s got to be a manual out there I could read. Do you think seeing the movie Wild counts? As you all know, when I doubt, I ask my daughter. Here’s how that went…
Me: What new venture do you think I should try this summer? Her: Writing a country song Me: {insert puzzled look} Her: Well, you’re a writer and country songs are only about three things: girls, alcohol, and…summer!
That got me thinking. I do have the hat, the boots and the guitar. How hard could this be? Girls (easy enough – I just happen to be one), alcohol (the two of us are acquainted), and summer (OH YEAH!). Maybe DuPage School of Rock has a spot open for me. I bet all the best music stars start out like that – at summer camp, strumming their guitars, banging on the drums, writing crazy good lyrics. Look out T. Swift…T. Schultz is comin’ to get ya! I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling like something new. Cheers, friends (I’m raising my wine cooler to you and strumming my guitar, as we speak)….here’s to a summer full of fun and being a kid at heart!
about the writer Tiffany Schultz resides in Sugar Grove with her husband, two kids and Shih Tzu. While seeking balance between her dueling roles as wife, mother, daughter, friend and professional, Tiffany spends as much time as possible daydreaming on her screen porch. She enjoys cooking, traveling and yoga and hopes to one day learn Italian and make the perfect crème brulee.