October 2010 - HOW MANY STAIRS?
You have driven by it hundreds of time, you may hold an opinion on its funding, you have heard the songs played, and are aware it is a focal point of Naperville; but, have you ever stepped inside?
Our latest adventure took us to central Naperville to the Millennium Carillon in Moser Tower, otherwise known to most of us as the bell tower. Taking the elevator half way up the tower is one way to begin your tour, but we opted to take the wild side and climb the stairs to the top of this 16-story structure. I challenge you all to count the steps up (that does not mean check online and see what the answer is)! We all came back with different numbers. The tour guide said she has been told there are 253 steps, most of my kids counted 228 steps up. I personally was not able to walk, talk, and count at the same time while carrying a three year old up most of the steps – I stopped at 39.
The tour is simple enough for most kids to understand the significance of the tower and the individual bells; and exciting enough for them to burn off energy going up and down the stairs. I was amazed to learn that a tower of this size is only one of six in the country and only one of ten in the entire world. I felt honored to be a part of history. We can now officially check it off our bucket list. We can say been there, done that!
On some tours, they permit the children to go into the room where the keyboard is housed. The children are then able to get first hands-on experience at using their fists (yes, I did say their fists) and their feet to play a song on the 72 bell instrument. The children can also participate in interactive displays in the Visitor Center located near the base of the tower.
The Millennium Carillon is located inside Moser Tower, near the Riverwalk’s Rotary Hill, 455 Aurora Ave, Naperville, IL 60540. Phone 630-848-5000. Website is www.NapervilleParks.org. Hours are May 1-November 21, Saturdays 10am-4pm, Sundays 12pm-6pm. Friday tours are also available during the summertime. Admission is $3 for ages 5 and older. – Kristen Kucharski