September 2009 - INDOOR WATER PARK
This indoor water park is large enough for the kids to be entertained for hours, yet, small enough that you can see the entire park from one spot.
This is a great water park for all ages, including young toddlers and infants. You can also choose to leave your little ones in the babysitting room and enjoy the water park with your older children. The babysitting room charges $2/hour, 2 hour maximum.
Should you keep your little ones with you, the water park has some fantastic features such as a zero depth pool, a small teeter totter, baby swings, and ride-on toys, all anchored in the shallow water. A small river like stream leads to the pool area for active swim. There are various size life jackets available for your use.
For older children there are two story water slides; a tube slide and a body slide. You must be at least 48” tall and you must go down solo; though they will allow you to wear a life jacket to go down the waterslide.
A favorite for our group was the anchored log pads and rope monkey bars. Our group went across these pads hundreds of times using the ropes for balance, jumping from pad to pad, holding hands as a team, and timed races.
There is a HUGE water bucket that is the main attraction for the splash pad area. This is a gated area within the water park that offers a small tunnel slide, water guns, pumps, troughs, and interactive water play areas. The bucket fills up every few minutes and then a bell rings and the bucket dumps tons of water down on the children.
Bring your own picnic lunch or there is also a café. The indoor pool facility also offers a therapy pool, lap pool, and diving boards.
The Vaughn Athletic Center is located at 2121 W. Indian Trail, Aurora, IL 60506. Phone number is 630-907-9600. Their website is www.FoxValleyParkDistrict.org. The fee is $6/resident, $8/non-resident, students discounted, under 2 is free. Hours are Monday-Friday, 4-8pm, Tuesday/Thursday 9-11am, Saturday-Sunday 12-5pm. Always check for special hours on days off of school.