There are numerous places to go in the area for open gymnastics. Many of the facilities require you to be a member to participate, or charge additional fees for a non-member rate. The gymnastics facilities are large and vast and can sometimes be overwhelming for both the parent and the child. A great solution to money and size is the Downers Grove Park District Open Gymnastics.
Downers Grove Park District offers open gymnastics almost on a daily basis. There is a wide variety of things to do in their gym area beyond just gymnastic skills. The staff seems to rotate the items available to offer a new and interesting environment each time you arrive. You will almost always find preschool size balance beams, vaulting equipment, uneven bars, and padded mat areas. Most times I have gone, I have also found that they will bring out bouncy balls, hula hoops, hoop targets, ribbon streamers, a miniature roller coaster (similar to the one from One Step Ahead), and foam pits. Although this is a parent supervised activity, there is always a staff member available to help the children or answer any questions you may have. Although this place is great for the little ones because it is not very crowded, the park district does limit the maximum age to children 7 years old or younger. Due to the age limitations, this open gymnastics does seem to be a good place for play groups while your older ones are in school for the day, unfortunately, their hours seem to also be during naptime. So if you have the toddler who has given up naps, and you are looking to burn all that energy……this is the ideal place for you and your little friend.
The Downers Grove Park District is located at 4500 Belmont Road, Downers Grove, IL. Their phone number is 630-960-7250. Their website is www.dgparks.org. The fee is $3/resident, or $5/non-resident. The hours are Monday-Friday, typically between 12:00pm-2:00pm, but the schedule does vary each day and each month. To get up to date information, visit their website. Parental supervision is required and don’t forget your socks!
There is so much to do within our reach, keep reading and get ready for our next adventure.