GLEN ELLYN–Ever since Clare had children (now 20 and 21 years old), she volunteered in the community as a way to get involved while still putting her family first. She volunteered at Treasure House resale shop, Glen Ellyn Food Pantry, Friends of Glen Ellyn Library, and Glenbard Parent Series to name a few; and then came across the Glen Ellyn Fire Department.
“When I realized that they were wanting firefighters rather than people to help in the office, I had second thoughts, doubting my strength and experience; but they taught me everything I needed to know to become a state trained firefighter,” Clare says. “So many times during training I looked at a task and thought I don’t think I’ll be able to do this, but I’ll give it a go. I now tell my children and friends to just give it a go, you may be surprised at the outcome.”

Glen Ellyn Volunteer Fire Company has volunteers from all backgrounds and a variety of jobs bringing a vast amount of skills and viewpoints to the calls, which makes the department so great.
This stay-at-home mom, in her mid-40s was willing and flexible to try something different and has loved every minute of serving her community.
-Kristen Kucharski, Photos Submitted