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Glancer Chicago West

10 TRENDS | In Giving Back Locally


In case you missed Giving Tuesday, the opportunity to give back this holiday season is abundant. Here are a few favorite local charitable organizations that are in need of your support this season. No donation is too large or too small. Give back today!

#1 | Families Helping Families

This local non-profit organization provides apartments and volunteer mentors to homeless families in DuPage County while they are working to reclaim their lives through education. A donation of only $30 will pay one day's rent and utilities for a family. Families Helping Families has no administrative expenses, so every dollar they raise is a dollar that helps the homeless.

#2 | Palumbo Family Foundation

The Palumbo Family Foundation strives to make a difference in two sectors of our communities in the Chicagoland area. One is providing scholarships to well deserving students of lower income families. Without scholarships, many of these students would not realize their dream of furthering their education. The other is providing medical grants to organizations that serve the needs of local medically challenged children. The Palumbo Family Foundation is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit charitable organization. The administration of the foundation is all volunteers; a 100% of the net proceeds of donations and fundraising events give hope and inspiration to young adults looking for financial help to continue their education after high school; as well as children with medical needs.

#3 | Suits for Success

The goal of this non-profit is to provide each parolee with clothes that enable him or her to return to society. Suits for Success provides clothing for new parolees in Illinois and Wisconsin. They come together as Dry Cleaners, Businesses, Churches, Non-Profits, and Individuals to take in lightly used and new suits or garments. Cleaned and pressed the garments are ready for pickup and distribution. The team of unpaid volunteers and drycleaners volunteering their services want to help, encourage, coach and clothe the returning citizens to re-enter the workforce and community.

BrightSide Theatre

#4 | BrightSideTheater

A unique blend of award-winners, premieres, modern works and timeless classics can be enjoyed at BrightSide Theatre. As one of the first businesses that had to close in March of 2020, live theatre will also be the last to reopen. Without the ability to gather supporters at the theatre or at the organization’s fundraisers, these vital sources of income have dried up. Even with cost-saving measures and emergency relief grants, the theatre faces a budget shortfall that will severely impact their ability to reopen in 2021. Support this local theatre today!

#5 | Mutual Ground

Mutual Ground is a non-profit organization providing programs that focus on Safety, Healing and Prevention for domestic violence and sexual assault victims. Mutual Ground has a 28-bed shelter for victims that need emergency shelter and many other services for victims that need help, but are safe to live at home. Your donation will make a difference in so many lives this holiday season.

#6 | Healing Gardens

Healing Gardens at Stone Hill Farm located at 37W249 Dean Street in St. Charles is home to Debbie & Buzz Marqui who’ve turned their 2 plus acres of land into multiple gardens that are open to the public. Sacred Feminie, Corinne’s Corner, The Rose Garden, Old Silo Moon Garden are a few of the gardens surrounded by woods. There is even a special spot for the little ones called The Children’s Garden where kids can play in the dirt, create a flower “stone garden”, play tic tac toe, plant a flower seed and play in the Forest Cottage. It is a beautiful, quiet place offering peace and serenity for many during stressful times and times of healing. Donations are always accepted

DuPage Children's Museum

#7 | DuPage Childrens Museum

Help support the next generation of learners. In order to prepare children for the future, critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration, and creativity must be nurtured from the very beginning of a child’s life. These foundational skills can be taught to prepare a child for school experiences. The Museum thoughtfully sets the stage for playful learning, active engagement, and joyful discovery which offer experiences to help children master vital, lifelong skills. Museum exhibits, tools, and programs depend on the financial support of our community. The Museum is located in downtown Naperville and has been a place filled with fun and enrichment for children of all ages.

#4 | TriCity Family Services

This non-profit provides quality mental health services that are accessible and affordable. Since 1967, TriCity Family Services has been Kane County’s leading provider of counseling and other mental health services to clients of all ages and all income levels. Their experienced team of professional therapists provides Central Kane County residents and other neighboring Chicagoland communities with counseling, family-based treatment for eating disorders, emotional wellness workshops and support groups, and employee assistance programs.

Cal's Angels

#9 | Cal’s Angels

In June of 2005, Cal Sutter, a 12-year old South Elgin Little League All-Star, was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. The battle with pediatric cancer is a horrible nightmare no child or family should ever have to experience. Yet, like most children, Cal never gave up hope and through it all, he was always more concerned about the well-being of the other children fighting cancer than he was about himself. Even though Cal ultimately lost his battle with leukemia in August of 2006, the courage he displayed throughout his treatment inspired the start of Cal’s All-Star Angel Foundation, Inc.(Cal’s Angels) – a 501(c)(3) pediatric cancer foundation with a mission of granting wishes, raising awareness and funding research to help kids fighting cancer.

#10 | Naper Settlement

Make your gift to the Naperville Heritage Society's Annual Fund today. Your tax-deductible contribution will help Naper Settlement continue to care for and preserve their collections, provide thoughtful educational experiences to our youngest museum visitors and bring delight and inspiration to the Naperville community.

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