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Glancer Magazine We Love Local

Chicago West

Featuring West Suburban Chicago...At a Glance!

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Mall Walking & More 
 TRI-CITIES – I’m a long term planner, always looking ahead on the calendar. Last August, I decided not to wait until the new year to start to become a healthier version of myself. I said, “Self, start now, don’t wait, be ahead of game come January 1.” So I did, and I am. Go me. 
 Whatever your fitness goals are for 2016, the Tri-Cities offers many specialized programs that fit your needs. Orange Theory Fitness opens in Geneva on January 8th! This fun 60-minute workout is based on your “5 heart rate zones” and is made for ALL fitness levels. Treadmill intervals, the rowing machine, and resistance training will have you burning 500-1000 calories each class. You will find me celebrating at the VIP party on January 7th from 5-8pm. Owners Tom and Lisa O’Brien feel they have been so welcomed by the community and invite all to come out and join in the festivities. Last chance to sign up with the pre-opening discounted rate! 
 More comfortable in a women’s only class with nutritional guidance? Then IB-FIT Club in St. Charles is for you. Irene Eby’s boot camp style facility is committed to making women and girls build their confiendence through small group strength and endurance training. It’s more like personal training without the high cost you would expect to pay. Sessions meet 3 times a week for four weeks. Be ready to WORK OUT! If you think you can’t, Irene and her staff are ready to tell you CAN DO IT, and don’t be surprised if fellow members are encouraging you along the way! 
 Last winter I was um, malI-walking…yes, you heard it right I’M A MALL WALKER. You can stop laughing now. Nonetheless, there was this herd-like cattle of women who meant business with their young in strollers. They were coming at me, singing nursery rhymes. I let them pass me, only then to discreetly follow them snapping pictures. It was the FIT4MOM Stroller Strides bring your baby with you, use them as weights (sort of), meet new moms, support each other and turn your stroller into a get back in shapeclass! You will find them meeting in their newest location, Funway in Batavia! They also meet at Elite Sports in St. Charles. 
 Thinking about running? Geneva Running Outfitters offers FREE beginning running classes starting early 2016! Cheers to you and your goals. Happy New Year!     ABOUT THE WRITER 
 Theoni Limouris is a graduate of of St. Cloud State University. She credits her degree in Education for setting her up to succeed in both the classroom and Corporate America.  As a busy wife and mother of 2, you will find her buzzing around the Tri-Cities in her VW Beetle watching people slug each other all day long. Theoni’s chosen charity to receive complimentary promotion as part of our Modern Housewives program is CASA Kane County, an organization that advocates for the best interests of abused and neglected children within the Juvenile Court system. Learn more at #ModernHousewives


Mall Walking & More TRI-CITIES – I’m a long term planner, always looking ahead on the calendar. Last August, I decided not to wait until...

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