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 The anticipation of being locked in a room may seem a bit frightening, but when the owner of THE ROOM in Lisle took our group of teenagers’ cell phones and then locked the phones in a trunk for an hour, it was downright terrifying! But, only until we were quickly distracted with trying to figure out how to get out of THE ROOM – which was locked - with us in it - for the next 60 minutes.  Heart-pounding and mind-testing games kept us pre-occupied as we worked together to search the room for clues that would help us find keys to unlock treasure chests, cabinets, desk drawers, etc… to find more riddles and clues which would ultimately lead us to discovering a four-digit code which we could use to unlock the door and escape THE ROOM!   With the recommended age being 14 and up, I wasn’t sure how my group of three middle schoolers, two high schoolers, one middle-aged mom, and one grandma would fare against the challenges; but, we diligently worked together  turning things upside down and inside out while crawling around the floor and reaching high on our tip-toes to find something -  anything - that would give us an additional clue or key to open another lock; bringing us one step closer to solving the key code to get us out.  If we got stumped, we had the chance to request three clues from THE ROOM. Upon request, a paper would magically appear, guiding us in a new direction.  The puzzles were engaging and kept us moving from corner to corner and back again to discuss what we had found. The excitement of discovering a new clue or the elusive lock that fit the key was felt by all. The energy in the room remained high as the time quickly ticked off our 60-minute clock and we were oh soooo close when the buzzer sounded!  Mark my words – we will be back.  
 THE ROOM is a live, interactive mystery escape challenge. It’s a great game for friends, family, couples, and co-workers who love solving mysteries or puzzles. A 60-minute, heart-pounding, mind-testing game of adventure all inside one room!  The Room Lisle 
 4910 Main Street 
 Lisle, IL 60532  Hours: 
 4 to 11 p.m. Wed - Fri 
 11 a.m. to midnight Sat & Sun Price:  $28.50/person; 
 Check website and Facebook for coupons 
 about the writer 
 Naperville mom Kristen Kucharski graduated from Illinois State University in 1992 with an International Business Degree.  She is married and has two energetic daughters and her house is always full of children.  Kristen’s column titled, Mom's Little Black Book, is a monthly feature written for moms who are looking for ways to keep their kids busy. #MomsLittleBlackBook #MBBPerfectForTweensTeens #MBBMiscellaneousFun


LOCKED IN A ROOM.... The anticipation of being locked in a room may seem a bit frightening, but when the owner of THE ROOM in Lisle took...

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