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by Pamela Hunter, Integrative Health Coach,  Joyful Healing Oils    Q. Have you declared your intentions for the New Year?   A. The new year is here and resolutions get made out of habit, but often we find that these firm decisions to do or not to do bog us down. Let’s retrain our thinking and take some time to get clear with ourselves and what we really want to change by declaring our new year intentions rather than resolutions.   Look at the Circle of Life and find the areas needing change in this new year:  spirituality, creativity, finances, career, education, health, physical activity, home cooking, home environment, relationships, social life, and joy.  When you are clear with what you want, write your declarations on a piece of paper, setting your intentions for that area of your life. An example, looking at health: I am aware of what I put in my body daily. I am making healthy choices with every meal.     We keep our declared intentions in a place where we can revisit, refine, and speak them. Set aside time each day to sit with your declarations for change and repeat them like a mantra. This lets the universe know you are ready for change and making the effort. Be open to see the change taking place and look for signs and opportunities that come. Be the change you wish to see in the world.  ~Gandhi Be patient with this process and allow growth through change. As we change, the world changes with us.  Happy New Year!     ask an expert  Pamela Hunter is an integrative health coach, certified clinical aromatherapist, yoga teacher (14+ yrs), and platinum - Young Living Essential Oils.  Her Joyful Healing Oils team educates people on how to bring wellness, purpose, and abundance into their lives.  Contact: (630) 248-6575    facebook       #January2015 #LocalIndustryExperts #glancermagazine #pamelahunter

LOCAL EXPERT Wellness & Approach, New Year Intentions

by Pamela Hunter, Integrative Health Coach, Joyful Healing Oils Q. Have you declared your intentions for the New Year? A. The new year is...

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