by Brianna Bartemeyer
Isn’t it amazing how I can feel so bad, and still look so good?”
-Blanche, The Golden Girls
Cheesecake fixes everything. Or so it would seem, if you watched any episode of The Golden Girls. Dorothy, Rose, Blanche and Sophia enjoyed many late-night chats over cheesecake. It was a staple, as they discussed drama and solved each other's problems. Did you know there were over 100 cheesecakes consumed by the loveable cast in its 7-year run? There was something familiar and comforting about eating cheesecake together around their kitchen table. Was it the cheesecake? Was it the company? Maybe, it was both.

If you now find yourself craving cheesecake, we’ve got just the place! Introducing: Chad’s Cheesecake in La Grange. This family-owned-and-operated bakery was founded in 2006. At that time, they baked for friends and family. Then, in April of 2022, they opened its downtown La Grange shop. The bakery offers: family-size cheesecakes (12 slices - weighing 4 lbs!), cheesecake by the slice or party platters (25 bites - 12 flavors per tray). Its menu consists of 11 year-round flavors - plus, one or two seasonal options each month. Be sure to try the Turtle, Strawberry Shortcake and Key Lime cheesecakes.

Everything is made-from-scratch for its retail and wholesale businesses, too. Local food stores and restaurants include: Casey’s (Western Springs and Naperville), Firewater BBQ (Lombard), Al’s Pizzeria (North Riverside and Downers Grove) and Mak’s House (La Grange) … just to name a few.
Here’s to a New Year! Don’t forget to treat yourself.