Enjoy our virtual program offerings, right from the comfort of your home, with our “Nature, Virtually Everywhere!” program series.
For those that can’t come out to the Kane County forest preserves, we’ll bring the preserves to you! We have a series of webinars, slideshows, live hikes and other virtual programming by our Naturalist staff.
Virtual programs coming up include:
• Best Wildflower Hikes in Kane County (Zoom Webinar) - Friday, May 29; 10-10:45 a.m.
In this all-ages program, Environmental Education Manager Barb McKittrick will share some of the best preserves for spring hikes, highlighting the ephemeral wildflowers you’re sure to encounter, along the way! To register for this free program, go to:
• Daybreak with a Naturalist (Facebook Live) - Friday, June 5; 8 a.m.
Greet the day at one of Kane County’s beautiful preserves on this virtual hike with a naturalist. Learn some interesting facts about the property, and then watch as we set out on the trail and enjoy the local flora and fauna in the early morning light. To view this program, go to: http://www.facebook.com/forestpreserve
• Hiking for Health (Facebook Live) - Tuesday, June 9; 2 p.m.
Join Naturalist Jeanette Joy for a fun and interactive livestream program from Burnidge Forest Preserve, as she leads you on a virtual hike to do some exercises and nature-based activities, for all-ages. To participate in this program, go to: http://www.facebook.com/forestpreserve
• Animal Architecture (PowerPoint Video) - Wednesday, June 17; 10 a.m.
Many animals create magnificent structures in which to live, store food, and raise their young. Learn about some of the animals that build these wonders, right here in Kane County’s natural areas. To view this video, go to: http://bit.ly/youtube_forestpreserve
• Dazzled by the Stars! (Zoom Webinar) - Tuesday, June 23; 7-8 p.m.
Amateur astronomer and published author Bob King of Duluth, Minnesota brings the night sky to life in this all-ages program. Bob will first explain how to locate night-sky features using sky maps and digital apps. He’ll provide an overview of the planets, stars and constellations of the summer sky and share exciting news about viewing a recently-discovered comet. Note: Please download and install the free Star Chart app, prior to class. To register for this free program, go to:
Additional information for our “Nature, Virtually Everywhere!” programs can be found on our website at www.kaneforest.com. Find the District on social media by searching @forestpreserve.