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LITERARY LOCAL | Willie Etta Wright

Willie Etta Wright, Author of Uncle Lou, What Can You Do?


Retired grade schoolteacher Willie Etta Wright used to encourage her second and fourth grade students to enjoy reading and expressing themselves through creative writing. After thirty-five years in West Aurora School District 129, she left the classroom and began her writing journey by taking creative writing classes, writing news and magazine articles and eventually authoring several books. Wright’s various topics include retired teachers substituting, the ministry of her father, the late Bishop William Haven Bonner, and children’s literature. Her new book, Grandpa Lou, What Can You Do? is her second in her children’s series.

Coming off her first children’s book, Grandma Mable, Are You Able? - a book about a grandmother who takes on the challenges of raising her grandson, her second book highlights a grandfather who is taking charge of his granddaughter as well. “My inspiration for writing this book came from what I have observed about the love and sacrifice that grandparents give to and for their grandchildren,” says Wright. “I was sparked by my personal interaction and observation of grandparents who struggled to raise their grandchildren, whether in my church or in school.”

Grandpa Lou, What Can You Do? can currently be found on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

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