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Glancer Magazine

LITERARY LOCAL | Pat Camalliere of Lemont

CELEBRATING THE AUTHOR OF The Miracle at Assisi Hill

LEMONT–As Vice President of the Board of the Lemont Public Library District and archivist for the Lemont Area Historical Society, Pat Camalliere has an inside track on where to research for her historical mystery book series. “All my books are set in Lemont,” says Pat. “People love to learn new things about the places near where they live.” Her current novel, The Miracle at Assisi Hill, is her fourth, but all four can be read as stand-alones.

The series features Cora Tozzi and friends in present day, who team up to solve mysteries from various periods in the historic past. The Miracle at Assisi Hill finds retired historian, Cora Tozzi checking into a nearby convent to research and write about its history. She finds herself wrapped up in a mystery from the life of a woman from Heaven, a woman based on the Venerable Mother Mary Theresa

Dudzik, a real person who is only steps away from being canonized as a saint.

“I decided to set the story in a religious setting because of my interest in the large number of religious communities in and near Lemont,” says Pat. “I wanted to base my book on a real person, and when I learned about Mother Theresa Dudzik, I believed that she and her story should be better known.”

The Mystery at Assisi Hill along with her other books in the series, can be found on Amazon and in Anderson’s Bookshop in Downers Grove, and at Smokey Row Antiques in Lemont.

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