HINSDALE–Diane Chiappe of Clarendon Hills was recently named Design and Sales Director at County Line Home Design Center, located in downtown Hinsdale. The announcement was made by Design Center Manager, Rebecca Austin.
“Diane brings a wealth of expertise to our cooperative with her extensive and varied background in design, home furnishings, real estate and building products,” said Rebecca Austin, Design Center Manager. “In addition, she has a vast network locally here in Hinsdale with her past work at Trumeau Design & Décor, as a Broker with Berkshire Hathaway and with her volunteer work with the Hinsdale Assembly Board and Misericordia. We are excited to have her on board.”

Before joining County Line Home Design Center, Chiappe served as a Design and Sales Consultant for Pella Corporation, consulting with homeowners on window and door remodeling projects and prior to that as a Designer at Walter E. Smithe furniture in Oak Brook. She began her career at Heritage Church Furniture in LaGrange and was involved with 61 church renovations in 14 years. She also consulted on church restoration and design.

The County Line Home Design Center is the recent realized dream of John and Penny Bohnen to create a Cooperative that showcases talented craftsmanship of the highest caliber. The nondescript entrance at 110 S. Washington; one door south of Bohnen’s County Line Properties, leads to an oasis. “The unique physical attributes of the 1925 structure lends itself to the talented artisans inside its walls,” said John Bohnen. “I consider this group creative problem solvers,” said Bohnen. “The County Line Home Design Center is an intellectual pursuit presenting an entirely different shopping experience.”
The County Line Home Design Center is located at 110 S. Washington Street in downtown Hinsdale and is open Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.; Thursdays: 10 a.m. -7 p.m. and is closed Sunday and Monday. Other times are by appointment. Call 630.974.6565.