Lauren McLaughlin, owner of Joyful Balance Wellness, and a licensed Acupuncturist, specializing in mental health, substance use disorder and pain issues has turned to Zoom to host “Cup of Gratitude” sessions in an effort to provide continued support during difficult times.
“I am a person in long term recovery from substance use disorder - for me that means that I have not used alcohol or drugs for almost 14 years,” Lauren shares. “So, a virtual coffee meet-up felt like a natural way to keep connected.”
Gratitude and joy have been a cornerstone of her life, helping her through some very dark times. In an unprecedented time of uncertainty and social isolation, Lauren wanted to give people something on their calendar to look forward to, as well as possibly help them get them through the week. She opens by welcoming everyone and sharing three things she is grateful for encouraging others to do the same.
She also has an Etsy shop called, The Gratitude Market, that sells handmade wearable and useable products that remind us to pause and be grateful each day; in addition, as the voluntary Vice President of the Path to Recovery Foundation, she donates the proceeds www.pathtorecoveryfoundation.org/support/find-your-path-fund/ -Kirsten Kucharski
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