While looking for mask ideas he could print for his grandparents, Cole stumbled across a free 3D online file for a mask extender. At 22 years old, he is finishing up a Geology degree and starting on a master’s degree in Anatomy at NIU and has enjoyed teaching himself how to use his Ender 3 printer to make mask extensions for healthcare workers.
He was surprised at the volume of requests he received for these, and quickly accepted the help of many commenters on his Facebook Post in the What’s Happening in St. Charles group. Together they have made and donated over 400 extenders to our healthcare heroes.

When Cole is not creating mask extenders – he typically enjoys making science related 3D prints of rare skulls, such as a recently extinct animal called an Elephant Bird for his research. He has also made dinosaur skulls, articulated dragons, puzzles, small figurines, and fidgets. Once the stay at home order is lifted, he hopes to return to his position as a fossil preparator at the Field Museum in Chicago. -Kristen Kucharski