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Glancer Chicago West

COVER STORY | Marvelous Moms of Many: Kelly Lauffer of North Aurora/Geneva


NORTH AURORA / GENEVA –Kelly’s overall well-being begins with her involvement at Wheaton Bible Church in West Chicago and volunteering in her community; concurrently, her physical and mental health are balanced as a lead for the Fox River Trail Runners (FRTR) in Geneva Fall Endurance Training Program (FET), as well as the owner of two businesses that keep her active.

Kelly is a RRCA Certified Running Coach and Zyia Active Independent Rep. and started her own coaching business 2.5 years ago called StretchRun Coaching ( because she wanted to be able to help other runners see their potential and push through the "StretchRun" of races in order to accomplish running goals they never thought possible. She knows a lot about setting goals and achieving them and just completed her 49th marathon with a personal best time of 3:19:45 on April 3, 2021.

As a senior in college in 2001, Kelly ran her first marathon. Her love of running exploded. She has run marathons in 36 of the 50 states with a goal of covering the nation; as well as running all six World Major Marathons and is two away from completing that goal.

“My favorite distance in the marathon as I think it really shows runners how strong we are and what our bodies and minds are capable of accomplishing, even if in the process I've had a few soul crushing races,” Kelly says. “I find runners share a unique bond and it makes me happy.”

All three of her kids have attended the Accelerators Running Clubs and have completed track and cross country meets with them. Micah (11), Reid (9), and Gemma (7) all witness firsthand mom’s effervescent words, “hard works pays off” and “practice makes perfect” to always give their best in their own activities.

Micah, a diehard sports fan, also loves running, as well as travel soccer and basketball; Reid plays travel soccer, baseball, and loves shooting driveway hoops with friends; and Gemma is active in dance, gymnastics, and softball.

Kelly grew up in a family with four kids and always wanted a big family of her own. Like most working moms, Kelly is constantly searching for the right balance between work, exercise, and ensuring quality time with her kids and spouse, while making certain overall healthy and active lifestyle goals are kept at mind’s eye. Quality active time with her kids comes in the form of biking the North Aurora to Geneva trail loop, hiking at Red Oak Nature Center, sledding at Fabyan Windmill, and eating at favorite places like Gia Mia in Geneva. They also participated as a family in the Fox Valley Kids Marathon multiple years and love doing the 3-mile Batavia trail loop ending with ice cream at the Batavia Creamery.

Life is about healthy balance, and being a running coach allows Kelly the opportunity to invest deeply in others, herself, and the opportunity to devote more time to her kids because of the freedoms that come from owning your own businesses.

It is said that one run can change your day, many runs can change your life…………….

-Story by Kristen Kucharski, Photos by Mike Catuara

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