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Glancer Chicago West

COVER FEATURE | Ruth Chinski of North Aurora, Home Design Enthusiast

by Kristen Kucharski


It is said that The Home should be the treasure chest of living and tell a story of who you are and what you love. “Design is coming to grips with one’s real lifestyle, one’s real place in the world. Rooms should not be put together for show but to nourish one’s well-being.” –Albert Hadley

NORTH AURORA–Ruth starts her day at 4 a.m. to work in her personal studio restoring and repurposing vintage furniture as the owner of French Country ‘N Farmhouse Flair before she tackles her other full-time job as the Director of a Contract Programming Team for a software company.

Her weekends consist of hunting for unique things and working a few days a month at The Rustic Fox in North Aurora where she loves connecting with her customers and gaining inspiration from other awe-inspiring designers with unique talents and offerings.

Surprisingly, she doesn’t watch HGTV or subscribe to any home design magazines, but draws insight via Pinterest and seeing what people are drawn to at the boutique. Her personal style is a mix of French Country which is traditional, then she adds a bit of the industrial/farmhouse aspect to it.

“My friends call my furniture look “Ruthified”, she laughs. “I tend to not paint a piece in a single color, but a blend of multiple colors and use glaze or dark wax to add an aged look.”

Ruth is creative and thinks outside the box. “Ginormous wall clocks add a great statement look in a room; however, most that size are super expensive,” she says. “I love to find a round dining room table and turn it into a clock.

I also like to take a large ornate frame and then add a piece of corrugated metal that I have rusted with muriatic acid, then add a wreath for a traditional, yet industrial vibe.”

She says soft/muted colors are still in, with a pop of color brought in with pillows or accent pieces that can easily be changed with the trends. One big development she is seeing for 2021 is peel and stick wallpaper not only for walls, but also for ceilings that mimic expensive looks, such as tin tile– but at a fraction of the cost. Eclectic chairs that are the same color tone and share the same seat fabric also help bring your personality into a space, as well as open hutches with your treasured memories.

“Hiding appliances is also on the rise. I am fearless in trying things,” Ruth says. “My refrigerator was an ugly white one; but instead of buying a new one, I painted the sides and top with black appliance paint and then the front of it added beadboard, trim, and handles.”

From sandpaper and paintbrushes to keyboards and hard drives, Ruth breathes creative energy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Find Ruth’s unique pieces at The Rustic Fox in Aurora. –Photos by Mike Catuara

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