Plans Unveiled During a Presentation at Soldier Field Wednesday
CHICAGO–The Chicago Bears unveiled plans for a new lakefront stadium Wednesday during a presentation at Soldier Field.
The Bears will invest $2 billion of what's reportedly a $4.6 billion project, according to the Sun-Times.
Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson said the building of a new Bears stadium will "result in no new taxes on the residents of Chicago."
“This is not an easy project, but Chicago doesn’t like it easy," said Bears president/CEO Kevin Warren. "We like to do the difficult things ... the things that resonate with people for generations to come,” Bears President Kevin Warren told a news conference Wednesday afternoon at Soldier Field.
The Bears shared renderings of a state-of-the-art, domed stadium along Chicago's lakefront atop the current South Parking lot of Soldier Field. The renderings feature an all-glass roof, keeping the historic colonnades in place and shares some similarities with Allegiant Stadium (Las Vegas) and U.S. Bank Stadium (Minnesota).
Here are the renderings, along with a video, released by the team, via ChicagoBears.com.
This article originally appeared on Bears Wire: LOOK: Renderings for Bears' new lakefront stadium in Chicago