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Glancer Chicago West

5 THINGS TO DO | Enjoy the Gingerbread Festival, Have a Cup of Cheer, Attend the Wheaton Housewalk &


It's going to be a fabulously festive holiday season. Enjoy all that's happening around town and spread holiday cheer. Here are five fun things to do around the western suburbs to help you get started. Enjoy the season!

1. FESTIVE & FUN HAPPENINGS ALL SEASON LONG IN DOWNERS GROVE DOWNERS GROVE–Downtown Downers Grove kicks-off the Holiday Season with the annual Gingerbread Festival Nov. 29-Dec. 1. The Gingerbread Festival offers something for all ages to enjoy: Gingerbread Storytime, Tree Lighting Ceremony, Gingerbread Man Hunt, vote for your favorite Gingerbread House, visits with Santa in his Gingerbread House, Small Business Saturday, take a picture with the Gingerbread Boy and Girl perusing town, Breakfast with Santa & Complimentary Carriage Rides. Details at 2. 2019 CUP OF CHEER™NAPERVILLE

Get inspired at Naperville Garden Club’s Cup of Cheer™ House Walk, Holiday Market, and Tea. Tour four Naperville homes decorated for the holidays. Shop the market for artisan gifts. Enjoy the tea with homemade cookies. Receive a commemorative teacup and saucer. Dates are Thursday, December 5, 9am - 4pm for $55 and Friday, December 6, 9am - 4pm for $40. For ticket details visit

3. DINE OUT IN NAPERVILLE  NAPERVILLE–What are you thankful for this November? We’re thankful for the various and tasty restaurants to choose from around Naperville. With over 300 restaurants to choose from, there are so many options to satisfy your taste buds. Now is also a good time to look into catering for a holiday party that you may be throwing. Find the perfect restaurant for your occasion by visiting us online at Your guests are sure to leave the party stuffed and wanting more!

4. WHEATON HOLIDAY HOUSEWALK November 16 • 10am-4pm WHEATON–The 6th annual Wheaton Holiday Housewalk, supporting Wheaton North’s award winning show choir, Flight features local area homes. Pictured is 310 W Evergreen St. A historical gem constructed and completed in 1853 by city founder Jesse Wheaton. This Georgian’s astonishing restorations and beautiful updates to modern living shows a true passion for historical preservation. For tickets visit

5. EXCITING HOLIDAY EVENTS ST. CHARLES–St. Charles Park District offers family festive opportunities this holiday season! Sign up now for special visits with Santa! Polar Express Storytime Train from LaFox Metra Station to Gino’s East in Wheaton is available on Nov. 30 & Dec. 1, 7 or 8. Santa and his team of sled dogs will be at the Woodland Santa Holiday Workshop on Dec. 1 at Hickory Knolls. Enjoy a morning with the jolly ole guy himself at Breakfast with Santa on Dec. 10 at Alexander’s Café. Advance registration required.



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