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Glancer Chicago West

WEST SUBURBAN VIP | #WeaverFever –Aurora Cop Becomes Social Media Sensation


Lip-syncing Madonna’s Express Yourself while fully uniformed in an Aurora Illinois Police Department squad car is one of the many videos Officer Chris Weaver has made to convey important messages to the west suburban community.

His rocking imitation of Sammy Hagar singing I Can’t Drive 55 had nearly 9,000 views on Facebook as he encouraged drivers to slow down; reminding them to put their cell phones down, make complete stops, and overall do a better job of paying attention while they drive.

These viral videos have gained national attention and Officer Weaver does get recognized from time to time, but his intentions are not for personal gain but rather for the greater good.

“I am incredibly thankful that the videos connect with people,” he says. “It's not about going viral or how many views-likes-shares you get, it's about the message. I want the people of this community to know that enforcement is just one aspect of what we do on a daily basis. I want them to feel comfortable speaking with us because we are people too. We are Husbands, Fathers, Wives, Mothers, Sons and Daughters too.”

Weaver is married with two sons and has two dogs. He graduated from West Aurora High School in 1997 and his fondest memories from his childhood always involved his younger brother from Little League to Summer Stage - and even causing mild mischief.

“I was NOT the kid who grew up knowing I wanted to be a Police Officer at all,” he shares. “My father worked for the Aurora Police Department for 31 years and retired as a Commander, but neither of my parents ever pushed any of us into one career or another. They guided us and let us choose our own paths.”

While earning his degree in Acting at Illinois State University, Law Enforcement struck a chord with Weaver, but not because his father had been an officer, but because he always loved helping people.

He began doing ride-a-longs with various departments and even started testing prior to graduation. The defining moment came when he was in bed in his dorm on the morning of September 11th, 2001.

“My mom called and told me to put on the television because a plane had struck the World Trade Center,” he says.

Weaver made up his mind that day to be an Officer of the Law. -Kristen Kucharski

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