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Glancer Chicago West

LITERARY LOCAL | Mother of Down Syndrome Child Promotes Inclusion In the Literary World

LINDSAY ROBERTSON | America: Beautifully Unique We are all red, white and blue this month in honor of our great country. Aurora author, Lindsay Robertson wanted to create a book geared toward children that helped them celebrate the United States with fun facts in the form of rhymes. As a mother of a child of Down Syndrome and the Vice President of the organization, Save Down Syndrome, she noted that there were very few books that featured kids who are differently abled.

America: Beautifully Unique, co-authored by Devon Goddard, showcases amazing illustrations and features pictures of kids with Down Syndrome from each state, highlighting not only the beauty in these kids, but the states as well. “I wanted to change that,” says Lindsay. “I wanted to promote inclusion everywhere, including the literary world.”

There are currently two more books in the works, one involving the 7 continents and countries within them and one highlighting siblings of individuals with Down Syndrome and their relationship. “Our main goal for these publications is to get them into schools and libraries to promote inclusion for the special needs community,” says Lindsay.

You can purchase America: Beautifully Unique on Amazon.

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