Fairgoers at Sandwich enjoy an old-fashioned agricultural fair, spread over more than 170 shaded acres with many historic buildings and modern conveniences, two large midways with the latest in carnival rides and fun, excellent home-cooked food prepared by civic and church groups, and the midwest's largest display of agricultural and home arts exhibits to delight fairgoers of all ages!
Distinctive buildings, an ever-evolving array of exhibits and commercial displays, harness races, carnival rides, food stands, and a variety of other attractions constitute the material presence of the DeKalb County Fair better known as the Sandwich Fair.
Coming to the Sandwich Fairgrounds September 4-8, 2019, The Sandwich Fair is proud to present Scotty McCreery, with special guest Jimmie Allen, on Friday, September 6th. Tickets go on sale Monday, July 1st.
Visit the festival website for more information.