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Glancer Magazine

DR. JUSTIN COOP | Naperville Health Influencer to Know In 2019


NAPERVILLE–After the birth of their third child, Dr. Justin Coop’s wife, Dorothy, took a turn for the worse with her health. Severe abdominal pains that would intensify during the day and peak at night kept her from eating and sleeping well for several weeks. After testing, she was informed she was having gallbladder attacks, and surgery to remove the gallbladder would solve her problem. Dorothy had seen others in her family have this same surgery and still not experience good health, so she decided to forgo the surgery and find the root of the problem. With the help of a functional doctor, they found there were many layers to the problem leading to the attacks. Once they treated each dysfunction separately, her health greatly improved, and she was able to eat solid food again.

After this experience, Dr. Coop was inspired to focus his practice on functional medicine and treating problems naturally to remedy the issue. “We are not getting to the actual cause of most health problems here in America,” says Dr. Coop. “We are patching things up and putting on band-aids, and then the health problem comes back or another one surfaces.”

In 2015, he opened Inspired Health Center in Naperville where they take a whole-body approach to health and heal through natural methods without drugs and surgery. Dr. Coop believes there is a lot of conflicting and misleading information put out about what is healthy for your body, and he is dedicated to raising awareness of holistic alternatives through individual health protocols, educational workshops, cooking demonstrations and support groups.

–Mindy Kyle, Photos by Mike Mantucca




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