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Glancer Chicago West

MOM'S LITTLE BLACK BOOK | Kiddy Club Playground & Sandbox


We are already itching for our summer park playtime and winter hasn’t even begun! As much as I love doing adventures with my girls, they were a bit old for this one, so I brought along my 21-month old nephew.

He was awe struck as soon as we walked in the doors. He didn’t know which way to turn – there were bright colors, toys, balls, slides, sand, and a carousel all within his sightline! Yes, I did just say sand. Kiddy Club Playground & Sandbox is one of Chicago’s largest indoor silica-free sandboxes packed with buckets, shovels, funnels, cups, two playhouses, and trucks. We made pretend sand “food” in the house kitchen and drank lots of “milk”.

When we had our fill, we moved to the two-level playground area and he climbed his way up to the top of the three slides that led directly to hundreds and hundreds of brightly colored balls. He next climbed the stairs to the upper fort area which housed tons of foam blocks providing the imagination endless opportunities to build towers and plenty of fun knocking them down!

The carousel was a riot! My nephew was a tad small to hold on himself, but with my sister on one swing and his wonderful aunt supporting him, we giggled as we made our way around the moving circle.

The infant and toddler area were his perfect size. There is the coolest water box feature where you can walk on water without getting wet! The texture and lighting were so unique.

When your nephew is leaving in a full-blown tantrum because he doesn’t want the fun to stop – it’s the perfect sign of a great place!

OVERVIEW One of the largest indoor Silica-free sandboxes in the Midwest; plus an Infant and Toddler area with soft play blocks, a carousel, slides, etc. In the center of all the fun is a two-level playground with a ball bit and fort! For more fun, there is a dance floor with kid songs and movies, lights and sounds, plus bubbles! Socks Required.

Kiddy Club Playground & Sandbox 4314 E. New York Street Aurora • (630) 229-6247

Hours: Closed Monday; 9am-6pm,Tuesday through Thursday; 10am-8pm, Friday through Sunday.

Price $: $12/child, $10/sibling Tuesday through Thursday; $14/child, $12/sibling Friday through Sunday. Prepaid Visit Cards Available for Discounted Rates

ABOUT THE WRITER Naperville mom Kristen Kucharski graduated from Illinois State University in 1992 with an International Business Degree. She is married and has two energetic daughters and her house is always full of children. Kristen’s column titled, Mom's Little Black Book, is a monthly feature written for moms who are looking for ways to keep their kids busy.



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