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Glancer Magazine

KIDS + TEENS | Naperville Police & Park District Police Reward Bicyclists

Naperville Police, Naperville Park District, Glancer Magazine


As part of a community education and safety awareness campaign, the Naperville Police Department has partnered with the Naperville Park District Police to help promote bicycle safety throughout the community. Officers from both departments will be rewarding residents demonstrating good bike safety practices with a coupon for a free donut redeemable at Naperville Dunkin Donut locations.

Crime Prevention Specialist Mary Browning emphasized the importance of this campaign by cautioning that although bicycling is a fun activity and a great way to become and remain fit, bicyclists can be seriously injured in accidents. They are less protected than drivers of automobiles and do not always practice safe riding.

“This bike safety initiative is another way to remind residents of all ages to learn and practice the bike rules of the road,” Browning said. “With more bicyclists riding during the summer months, we wanted to use this donut reward to make sure they ‘do nut’ forget to ride safely. We thought this initiative would be a fun and creative way to encourage good bike safety habits.”

Coupons will be awarded through the end of August 2018. The purpose of this initiative is to urge all bicyclists to always wear a helmet, obey all traffic laws, lock up bikes when not in use and be visible and predictable. Additional bike safety rules are printed on the back of the coupon as another reminder to stay safe.

Naperville Park District Police would also like to encourage those bicyclists using the bike paths and trails throughout Naperville’s parks to “Share the Trail” by always yielding to pedestrians, including hikers and joggers, staying to the right, alerting others when passing or approaching on the trail and controlling their speed at all times.

As part of this Summer Bike Safety Campaign, both police departments also recommend the following bike safety tips to enjoy a safe and secure ride, every time!

  • Wear a bike helmet at all times. Wearing a bike helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by 85 percent

  • Keep your bike in good working condition. Be sure tires are properly inflated, brakes work and the chain is clean and well oiled

  • Ride single file on the roadway, as far to the right as practical

  • Obey all traffic laws and slow down and check traffic at all corners and intersections

  • Watch parked cars for pedestrians and opening doors

  • Keep both hands on the handle bars except when indicating turn signals

  • Stay off busy streets

  • Have a headlight on your bike when riding at night, as well as rear and wheel reflectors

  • Wear light-colored and/or reflective clothing while riding

  • Only one person on the bike

  • No stunt riding

  • Do not carry packages or bundles when riding

  • No hitching rides from cars

  • Do not wear headsets while riding

  • Always yield to pedestrians

  • Secure the bike when finished riding

The Naperville Police Department also encourages bicyclists to register their bikes in case of loss or theft. Bike registrations are accepted at the Naperville Police Department, 1350 Aurora Ave. during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Registration forms are found on the City of Naperville’s website at:

For more information on bike safety and security, bicycle registration and suggested locking devices, contact the Crime Prevention Unit (630) 420-6731 or visit the City of Naperville’s website at: