LAS VEGAS FROM A TEEN PERSPECTIVE After our amazing tour of three National Parks, we spent two nights in Las Vegas. I knew Las Vegas was famous for gambling and wasn’t sure what my brother and I were going to do to pass these two days. My mom said Vegas had a “few” things that may keep us occupied. Little did I know, that was a total understatement.
So what were the highlights of Vegas from this teen’s viewpoint, and what did I learn from this trip? Highlights:
1. The Roller Coaster at our beautiful hotel--New York New York-it’s beyond thrilling!
2. Cirque du Soleil-Ka–There are no words to describe this show. Trust me! If you do nothing else in Las Vegas, please see this show. It’s a life changer!
3. Chocolate- The Hershey Store is awesome! If you love chocolate, you will never want to leave this place!
4. Beautiful Hotels-My favorite hotels were Bellagio, Caesar’s Palace, The Cosmopolitan, Excalibur, MGM and of course, New York New York.
5. The Food-The food in Las Vegas was delicious. We tried a different restaurants each day. We also enjoyed room service which delivers 24/7. Yes, we had brownie ice cream sundaes at 1am (What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!)
6. The Shopping- There’s a plethora of stores along the strip. My favorite was Nectar.
7. The Pool- After a full day of walking up and down the Las Vegas strip, a cool swim in the hotel pool is rejuvenating.
Life Lessons Learned in Las Vegas:
1. Adults can be quite creepy–There are people on the street handing out cards to disgusting adult establishments. Do not take the cards-- just walk on by.
2. Try to be open minded–you will see all different kinds of people in Las Vegas that you’ve probably never seen anywhere else in your life. Although your eyes may pop out a bit, try to remain open minded and not be judgmental. Remember: Everyone has a story.
3. People in Vegas are very confident about their bodies. I noticed lots of women at the pool who wear bikinis, no matter their body type. I actually liked seeing that they were not self-conscious.
I thought Las Vegas was a blast. There is certainly plenty to do for teens. Viva Las Vegas!
ABOUT THE BLOGGERS Naperville mom and teacher, Kristen Kainrath and her teen daughter, Brooke, are a mother-daughter travel-blogging team who have always shared an incurable case of wanderlust. Their goal is to inspire girls to follow their passions and appreciate the diversity of our global community. Follow them on their journeys at www.pedisnpassports.com and watch for their monthly article inside Glancer Magazine in 2017.