Every year the Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce honors a long serving business in Glen Ellyn by displaying painted flower pots throughout downtown. This year, the Glen Ellyn Chamber is honoring GREEN BRANCH, a family owned florist located at 485 Main Street that has been a Glen Ellyn business since 1974.
During the 2017 Taste of Glen Ellyn, Bottle & Bottega partnered with the Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce to host a Flower Pot Painting Party. The Glen Ellyn community came together during the Taste and helped to paint 12 flower pots to honor the longtime Glen Ellyn business.
The 12 flower pots honoring GREEN BRANCH can be seen on display on the streets of downtown Glen Ellyn.
“Bottle & Bottega loves events that include our community! It was a fun and creative way to partner with the Glen Ellyn Chamber” said Lynn Day, owner of Bottle & Bottega. “Thanks to all who spent time getting creative with us. I hope that everyone takes the time to check out the beautiful masterpieces scattered throughout town.”
About the Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce The Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce, founded in 1933 and governed by a dedicated volunteer Board of Directors and managed by a professional staff, mission is to foster and promote the business and professional interests of Glen Ellyn, the adjoining areas, and to promote the welfare of the Glen Ellyn and connecting Business with the greater community.