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Glancer Chicago West

HEALTH + WELLNESS | Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital Opens New Private Patient Room Addition

DOWNERS GROVE - Nearly 70 patients moved into the new private patient bed tower at Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital on March 1.

The hospital’s new 110,000 square foot, three story addition, formally called the West Tower, houses 96 private patient rooms. The new patient rooms are nearly double the size of traditional rooms and include pull-out sleeper sofas for the comfort of family members who may want to stay with their loved ones.

“Our mission is to serve the health needs of our community and the West Tower enables us to meet those needs in a world-class facility. Through years of deliberate planning, the new space was designed to better serve our clinicians, patients and family members,” said Dave Fox, president of Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital. “In addition, the state-of-the-art technology will improve patient safety and make patient care more efficient for our physicians and nurses.”

Each floor was designed to maximize the size of the private patient rooms, ensuring patients and their families have the comfort and privacy they expect.

The first patient to transfer to a new private room was Lee Jorwic of Elmhurst who is recovering from hip replacement surgery. Both Jorwic and his wife, Teri, whose four children were born at the hospital, said they were impressed with the large room that includes a separate space for visitors.

“The new room is beautiful,” said Lee Jorwic. “I’m glad to have been a part of this historical move.”

In order to ensure a safe and smooth transition for Jorwic and the other patients, more than 45 nurses, non-clinical associates and volunteers moved them one by one throughout the day, said Susan Okuno-Jones, chief nurse executive.

“Today was a tremendous example of team work and change. Even though the patient’s healing environment changed and the practice environment for our clinicians has changed, one thing is for certain, and that is regardless of where our patients are care for here at Good Samaritan Hospital, they can be assured of excellent care provided by our expert, compassionate clinicians. Our staff and incredible volunteers came together to ensure a safe care transition,” sayd Okuno-Jones.

Photo Caption: Lee Jorwic of Elmhurst was the first patient to move into the new private patient room addition at Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital on March 1. Jorwic was one of nearly 70 patients who moved from the original hospital into the new $76 million addition that houses 96 private patient rooms. Jorwic is pictured with the nurse navigator Mickey Nottoli.

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