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Glancer Chicago West

TECH TIME | Let It Snow, Hassle Free: Snow App Connects Customers with Local Plow and Shov

TRENDING NOW— Winter is coming, and the best way for residents throughout Providence to prepare is by putting the shovel away and downloading the mobile app., the emerging leader in residential snow removal, offers residents who love the snow but hate to shovel greater access to quickly locate snow removal service providers.

“We have dozens of snow removal vendors waiting to bid on residents’ requests for driveways, walkways and sidewalks throughout the area,” said Scott Reimels, founder of “By connecting providers with users, we’re creating more work for snow removal professionals and more time for hot chocolate and sleigh riding for residents.”

"This is app is dramatically improving how I find snow removal work and how homeowners find me,” said Cassandra Ritone who uses the app to gain customers. “Homeowners can spend time with family viewing the pretty snow from inside their home instead of being out in the cold breaking their backs shoveling.” works by providing residents and job posters with a platform to describe their snow removal needs. It also allows anyone with a shovel; from professional snow removal companies to neighborhood kids to register as a service provider to locate snow removal jobs. The app fosters a free-market for snow removal and creates competition between service providers over the posted jobs. Both identities of the job poster and the service providers are protected until a job is awarded by the poster.

Transactions between poster and provider take place in person, typically, in cash and not through the app, enabling anyone from the teenager looking to earn a few bucks to the professional snow plow company owner to bid on jobs. taps into the sharing economy by creating an environment that appeals to residents or others who are responsible for the maintenance of office buildings and complexes in order to connect them directly to people who manage snow removal.



The emerging leader in home and residential snow removal app, has more than 400 service providers across 150+ cities nationally. creates the best possible free market for snow plow removal services connecting customers with snow removal professionals, and neighborhood kids, freelancers, and one time snow removers etc. creating increased competition and better pricing from snow removal vendors. For more information and to view a 60 second animated explainer video, visit

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