BOOKIES, BUNCO & MORE IN THE TRI-CITIES AREA – If you were to place a bet with my Uncle Deno the Bookie, (God rest his soul, fabulous Bookie that Deno) on what the odds were finding Theoni at Starbucks on Saturday morning….eh, it doesn’t take the expertise of a gambling man to give you the answer. Odds run 98%. Odds of Theoni buying coffee for the person behind her in the drive thru? Well that is calculated on age, make and model of the driver. “Cougar in a red Bug bought my Starbucks today.” Not happening.
Today I was in a “let’s shake things up kind of mood.” So I suggested we try “…the place that starts with an “A” in downtown St. Charles.” I didn’t know how to pronounce it, let alone spell it. Arcedium, locally owned and locally FABULOUS! You’re a cross between a Starbucks and Panera only better. Breakfast and lunch made from scratch, beans imported from around the world and roasted in that monstrosity of a roaster that only the Great Oz could possibly know how to operate. Coffee custom crafted to your liking, French press, siphon, pour over. With its high tops, low tops, counter tops, comfy leather seating, even the private room; Arcedium was packed. Even an open Mic night every 3rd Friday. Catch me next month April 15th, reciting a poetic version of my column for (large) charitable contributions. Bring your checkbook.
On March 10th the Geneva Woman’s Club will host its 2nd annual Bunco Night dedicated to raising scholarship money for Geneva HS Seniors. All are welcome! Tickets are $26 and include door prizes, appetizers, desserts and a cash bar. Plan on meeting new people all night long as you rotate tables learning this easy fun game. It will be held at American Legion, Geneva. Home of the Brave and Cutest Bartenders in town. For more details visit The 10th also marks the opening of the Geneva Film Festival, view the work of independent filmmakers from around the globe! Films for the whole family.
Finally, calling all Brides and Bridezillas alike! Batavia Park District will be hosting its first ever Bridal Showcase, March 5th at historic Shannon Hall. This event is free and will feature approximately 35 vendors from the Tri Cities area and beyond. It’s one stop shopping for local caterers, flowers, transportation, music, venues, travel, and more. The first 50 brides will receive a free swag bag. Spring is here – enjoy and discover something new!
ABOUT THE WRITER Theoni Limouris is a graduate of of St. Cloud State University. She credits her degree in Education for setting her up to succeed in both the classroom and Corporate America. As a busy wife and mother of 2, you will find her buzzing around the Tri-Cities in her VW Beetle watching people slug each other all day long. Theoni’s chosen charity to receive complimentary promotion as part of our Modern Housewives program is CASA Kane County, an organization that advocates for the best interests of abused and neglected children within the Juvenile Court system. Learn more at