This new monthly column highlights how local area women can be the best version of themselves through everyday struggles that we face. Joann Pierce, a west suburban wellness and fitness enthusiast, will answer everyday struggles that women face each month to help our readers to be the best version of themselves. Send your Everyday Struggles to editorial@glancermagazine.com
EVERYDAY STRUGGLE: My dad always said “If you look good, you feel good” but lately, looking good has taken a backseat to my everyday life of crazy– from carpooling the kids to crushing numbers at work, I look as frazzled as I feel. What can I do? -Lucy S., Elmhurst
Looking frazzled is usually a sign of “feeling” frazzled! The first step to making change is to understand how you “feel”. Once you’ve identified that “root” feeling you can start to make changes. Not too long ago, I was that stressed-out, overwhelmed, frazzled woman. I gained weight because I didn't pay attention to what I ate and how much of “me” I was giving to others. Always putting everyone else first, I didn't think to put myself on my priority list.
Once I hit my 40’s I had a moment of truth. I turned my life around with three simple self-care strategies. 1) Become grounded with a new personal development book every month. 2) Minimize the health club craze and workout only 30 minutes a day, 5-7 days a week at home. 3) Eat healthy whole foods and meals that provide all the dense nutrients my body needs. I now have more time to feel and look less frazzled and do the things I enjoy! EVERYDAY STRUGGLE: Healthy habits seem to have left the building when I am at work. Since lunch hour is so rushed I always run out to the nearest fast food spot and go for the value meals, which helps the wallet but not the waste. Any tips? -Valerie F., Naperville
If you’re at a desk all day, your best lunch option will always be the one you prepare yourself. Preparing your own meals gives you more control over what and how much you eat. But if you have to order it, do so from your office, then walk to pick it up. Chances are you’ll eat healthier, consume fewer calories and make a better meal choice. Ordering carry-out remotely removes sensory cues, specifically smells, like the delicious aroma of pizza and pastries.
If you are in an office that has a kitchen, whipping up a meal replacement smoothie is easy, cost effective and nutritious if the right one is chosen. I have found one that is all natural, loaded with super foods, less than 180 calories and drink it daily.

about the writer Joann Pierce is a wellness and fitness enthusiast who is living a lifestyle she never thought was possible. She’s been a stay-at-home Mom for 12 years and started in fitness years ago– from kickboxing to yoga. Continuing her journey in 2011, she completed her 200hr Yoga Certification at Prairie Yoga in Lisle. With over 1000 teaching hours, she completed her associate Life Coach Certification in 2013 and became a Beachbody Coach. She helps those who are looking to change their bad habits and embark on a fitness and nutrition platform for personal happiness. “The greatest reward is the people I am surrounded by and all of those who choose to go after their dreams and goals! Everyday I wake up ready to help at least two people a day.” Joann Pierce #phase40 Fitness, Empowering you is what we do. Beachbody Coach, Life Coach, RYT 200hr Yogi • www.phase40fitness.com FB: Joann Pierce • joannpierce@phase40fitness.com