Inspired by her own parents to live a life of volunteering and giving back, Vanessa hopes that her active daily involvement in the lives of her five children will clearly convey “it is always better to give than to receive.” Vanessa’s generosity is inclusive of guardianship of her 17-year-old niece whose mother passed away 7 years ago. Besides working part-time at their family business, O'Brien Law Offices, P.C., in Wheaton, Vanessa spends an equal amount of time volunteering for the Emerson PTA, as well as helping as a substitute teacher, working the lunch room five days a week, coaching cheerleading, and serving as treasurer for the Wheaton Rams; teaching Sunday school at Willow Creek Community Church-DuPage; attending Easter Seals in honor of her son who was born with a hole in his heart; and leading fundraisers, such as the Emerson Family Bowling Night/Silent Auction which has raised over $18,000 for the music, art, technology, and facility departments at Emerson Elementary School in Wheaton. Vanessa validates the definition of a true Hero Mom.