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Glancer Chicago West

CELEBRITY NEWS | Gene Simmons Meet West Suburban Fans

by Kristen Kucharski


Anderson’s Bookshop has brought fame and fun together again with the appearance of Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame inductee and Kiss front man Gene Simmons at the Tivoli Theatre in Downers Grove. With the release of his new book, Me, Inc., Simmons introduces 13 principles that aim to teach a wide variety of essential skills which he personally used to achieve continued success in the music industry, lucrative ventures in reality TV, ownership of a pro sports team and record company, partnership in a restaurant chain, and the recognition of the Lifetime Achievement Award from Forbes Magazine. It’s that proven success that brought Naperville resident Bernie Cobb, his son Kyle, and Bernie’s brother Chris to meet their rock idol in person – each awed by the way Simmons genuinely interacted with the crowd. “He was very relaxed and sincerely appreciative of his fans,” Bernie shares. “I have learned a lot from the way Simmons has managed his career and I thanked him for demonstrating continued perseverance and commitment even through the leaner times.”

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