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Glancer Chicago West

15 FASCINATING FACES OF 2019 | Melissa Saez of Lisle


Each year Glancer Magazine features a distinct group of everyday residents who are doing extraordinary things, making a difference in the lives of others by giving them hope, guidance or inspiration. Each story will touch your heart and awaken your spirit. Here are Glancer Magazine's 15 Fascinating Faces of 2019.

Melissa Saez of Lisle

When it comes to hair loss, Melissa brings years of professional experience, but more importantly, she brings a personal understanding to the emotional element as her mother suffered from a form of alopecia.

Melissa always knew she wanted to be a hairdresser and trained with Zanos, Mario Tricocci, and Innovations; however, it wasn’t until she discovered specialty hair pieces that had the look, texture, and coloring of real hair that she took the leap of faith and put everything on her credit card and signed a lease to open her own salon, Tu Bella in Lisle. She had a mission to educate people in finding hair solutions that made them feel and look beautiful inside and out.

With this undertaking in mind, Melissa traveled to China to research having her own wigs made; she took a class in London on wig making; traveled to Bologna, Italy for training and became the first salon to offer the Cesare Ragazzi CNC (a cranial prosthesis) in Illinois.

“I always tell people nobody ever hugged me when I did regular hair,” Melissa shares. “We often have tears after I have fit someone for the first time, and they realize how beautiful and natural the wigs are.”

Tu Bella has all the latest trends and works hard to customize colors. Melissa is also a proud member of the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, American Hair Loss Counsel, and Trichotillomania Learning Center. -Kristen Kucharski



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