Mindy is passionate about helping people discover what brings them joy and to live a full, healthy and happy life. She has her Master of Fine Arts degree in creative writing from DePaul University and is a veteran of Chicago’s theater and commercial world as well as a graduate of the Second City Improv School. Mindy lives in Naperville with her husband, three children and the cutest dogs in the land. Mindy is a Features Writer and Columnist for Glancer Magazine. Her monthly features include Literary Local and To Give, To Inspire.
1. What's your go-to girl power song, and why?
I have so many songs that I’ll play and sing to when I need a mood lift, but if I had to pick a girl power song, I think I’d have to say, “Girl on Fire” by Alicia Keys. It makes me feel like I can do monumental things.
2. If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be, and why?
Easy. I have thought of this a lot. I would love to be able to communicate with animals-- especially my dogs! The stories some of them could tell and the questions they could answer. I contribute to the World Wildlife Foundation, Saving the Elephants, The Gorilla Organization, and the Humane Society. I was always fascinated with the movie Gorillas in the Mist.
3. Share a memorable moment from a community event or photo shoot that you've been a part of.
I have two of my very favorite Glancer assignments. The first was when I wrote each week in October of a local haunted destination in the western suburbs. It was super fun to research and retell. The second one would be covering Stephen King when he came into town. I’m a huge fan, so this was a dream chance. Seems like there may be a connection here between my two favorite things.
4. What's your favorite local hangout spot, and what do you love about it?
I am going to go with Fiamme in downtown Naperville. They have an amazing patio in the summertime, tasty recipes for brick oven pizzas, and usually live guitar players. I could spend hours just listening to live music and why not eat pizza while you are at it. Although it is not west suburban local, I have to mention Second City in Chicago. I am a graduate of their Improv Conservatory Program, and my husband still does Stand-up Comedy there. There is nothing better than laughing all night.
5. If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be, and why?
Mark Twain. Not only do I enjoy his writing, but he was a great adventurer as well and had so many stories to regale you with. I find him very fascinating.
6. Describe your perfect staycation location in just three words.
Quiet, Waterfront, Coffee
7. Share a funny or interesting anecdote about your experience in the community living or digital marketing industry.
I have always been an Aerosmith fan, but I have never been to one of their concerts. I always told my husband, if they come to Chicago, I want to spend the money to get up close. When Glancer advertised that Steven Tyler was coming to Rib Fest with his charity group, The Mary Love Band, I was floored. We bought tickets just slightly over $100 to be in standing room by the stage, which got us about 10 rows from it. We were also next to the center aisle that he came down while singing. I could have touched him. Best yet, he sang every Aerosmith song I would have wanted to hear! Pretty sure I could never have gotten that close for that price at an Aerosmith concert.
8. What's a quirky talent or hobby that most people don't know you have?
My hobbies are pretty normal – golf, painting, theatre. I do have a couple of quirky talents. I can move the very small tip of my nose like a bunny (hereditary), and I can still rap a couple of stanzas of the Ewok Celebration. My family makes me do that one a lot.
9. If you were to create a signature cocktail representing your role in the company, what would it be called and what ingredients would it have?
I gave this some thought. I was thinking something to do with reading since I love books and write about authors, but I went with Writers Wrum Wreck. It covers reading and writing. It would definitely have rum and coconut in it. I have an affinity for Caribbean-style drinks because I grew up spending vacations at my grandparent’s home in St. John, Virgin Islands.
10. What's a piece of advice or mantra that resonates with you and guides your work in the community living or digital marketing field?
“Life is what happens to you while you are making plans.” This was famously spoken by John Lennon, and it reminds me that no matter how meticulously you plan, unexpected circumstances will pop up. I find that exciting as well even in writing. You never know what new road you will discover.